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Children and adults alike are spending more time on screens than ever before. This is not an new or unknown concept to many, and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, access to technology was a saving grace keeping people connected and engaged in meaningful activities e.g. work and school. However, this means that people are also spending […]

Are you getting enough “Green Time”?

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Whilst it’s tempting to think, ‘Oh well! Dementia is something I don’t need to think about until I’m old,’ this is not what the research suggests. 

Alzheimers Dementia, Not just a disease of the elderly

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Most of us are familiar with the concept of boundaries. Boundaries create limits, telling others how we want to be treated and what we are each responsible for. They create separation between ourselves and others, enabling us to maintain our individuality and values. However, it can be difficult to know what constitutes healthy boundaries.

The Importance of Boundaries

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Most of us would probably laugh if someone told you to ‘not react’ but in a nutshell, this is the key to regulating our emotions better. Negative emotions such as rage are uncomfortable, often painful, and we’re constantly told we should strive to be ‘happy’. It is so human to have negative emotions and in […]

How do I control anger?

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When we’re stressed, our fight or flight system is activated and producing cortisol around our body to prepare us for action. Some people are operating with this system switched on all day as they go from one task to another. It is so important that we STOP multiple times throughout the day, to reset our system and continue on with our day so our body can recharge.

The importance of Stopping

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There may be several reasons why you’re feeling sad, let’s take a look at where you can start to take action to feel better.

Why do I feel sad?